Hanzo samurai shodown ii
Hanzo samurai shodown ii

Can use 421S to suddenly appear at a different location to mess with opponent's head.Īvailable only once per match. His Oki is straight forward too, 66B and 66C mix-ups, or use 22S to bait out stuff. So use it in combine with other versions. His teleports with damage are used only to take a small amount of health when needed, if used carelessly it's really easy to block with some practice (block low at first when Hanzo disappears and change to high since the low one is faster than the high). His 421S versions are for flexible movement in the screen, mostly used to get out of corner or set up for a command grab or reversal. Primarily the 22S version is used the most, as a dodge of certain attack, and a trick on the table to make people guess his movement. His teleports are the best in the game, they are fast, they can get him anywhere in the screen, having 7 different possibilities of the destination makes him have some gimmicks. When in rage, it becomes lots of pressure that lead to the most damage he can get, so often he will keep his rage for this more damage. Also he can't really be cornered with his teleports, so he's set to play a quite run away style too with his amazing mobility. If using the C version, it's faster than the B version, it's more used when you want to keep out the opponent and play zoning game, but one problem is that he lacks a good anti-air making him hard to actually anti air people. This version of FB is slow in its speed that its perfect for masking Hanzo's movement.

hanzo samurai shodown ii

When the opponent is blocking, he can use 66B and 66C for some mix. If using the B version, it can work as the A version except he can't command grab when the opponent is in block stun of the fireball. If they forward jumped, he can go for 66B and 66C high/low or right/left mix when they land, it requires some practice to get the timing, but mix it up a little, find the right style.


If using the A version of his FB, its short range will not reach a full screen opponent, with his fast dash, he can go for a command grab if the opponent is standing or neutral jumped. And when he lands it, he can get out of there and plan the next attack. In neutral, it's important that his place a fireball before he makes a move. His game plan is pretty straight forward of hit and run style. Hanzo has arguably the best offense options of the game, he has tricks, he can also zone and play defense. Back Dash: 40 frames (Cancellable +11F to start up).Floaty jump and poor jump normals make air neutral difficult.Very punishable if his setplay is blocked.

hanzo samurai shodown ii

  • Needs to forego anti-air WFT and throw -> WFT in order to keep max rage for mixups.
  • hanzo samurai shodown ii

    Rage fireball becomes much less threatening against characters with strong zoning and anti-fireball.Hanzo struggles in the mid range since his anti-airs are rather mediocre and he lacks a good long-range 5C to control space with, so it is recommended you set up your vortex game quickly before falling behind on life. Once Hanzo has scored that crucial knockdown, things really go from bad to worse for the opponent as he can mix you up between his high- or low-hitting teleport slashes, his aforementioned running crossup or powerful command grabs. His running 66C overhead can cross up which, when coupled with his running slide or 66B and his running command grab, makes his approach extraordinarily powerful. Fortunately, Hanzo has nearly unrivaled mobility options which include multiple teleports, blisteringly fast run speed, a wall-jump and a great backdash. While his normal slashes are mostly built for close-quarters combat, he can pester the opponent from full screen with his Baku'en Ryuu or throwing star projectiles. Hanzo is an extremely offensive character who comes equipped with some of the best mixup- and setplay-tools in the entire game.

    Hanzo samurai shodown ii